AVIAREPS Celebrates 30 Years of Business

Founded in Munich in 1994, AVIAREPS today runs 69 offices in 65 countries worldwide and celebrates its 30th anniversary this month

With the ambition of helping airlines and destinations grow their business, AVIAREPS was founded by Michael Gaebler in April 1994 in Munich, Germany. 30 years later, AVIAREPS has expanded its network to 69 offices in 65 countries worldwide, serving a wide variety of brands from the aviation, tourism, hospitality, food & beverage, and lifestyle industries - and has become the world's leading international sales, marketing, and communications company in these business fields. In April 2024, AVIAREPS celebrates 30 years of creating success and 30 years of bringing the world to the people in it.

Michael Gaebler, Chairman and Founder of AVIAREPS: “30 Years of AVIAREPS! What a great journey with the most exceptional and wonderful colleagues and partners! In the beginning, AVIAREPS came to life as a solution for airlines, destinations, and hospitality brands to better expand their corporate footprint and reach into global markets. Today AVIAREPS is entrusted with and acts on behalf of an increasing number of brands. We have expanded from aviation, destinations and hospitality brands to a wide variety of business fields, including mobility, lifestyle, retail, tourism attractions, trade promotion, and food and beverage. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of AVIAREPS this year, I am proud to say that the great and ongoing successes achieved for our clients in their quest for global market outreach and growth, have been based on connecting them and having them facilitated by the best product in the world – our people.”

AVIAREPS officially kicked off the 30-year anniversary celebration at this year's ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade show, with the annual signature event “AVIAREPS ITB Executive Dinner” and celebrated the milestone anniversary with partners from all over the world.  


Edgar Lacker, CEO of AVIAREPS: “Our AVIAREPS signature event is always my personal ITB highlight and a great opportunity to celebrate our long-standing partnerships! This year was especially exciting, as we kicked off our 30th company anniversary year and celebrated 3 decades of AVIAREPS with our partners and our amazing AVIAPEOPLE. Today, AVIAREPS is proud to be the global leader in airline, tourism and hospitality representation and to actively influence, develop, and shape tourism, aviation and hospitality trends, demand and spend. As a birthday gift to ourselves, we have launched a brand-new, modern and interactive aviareps.com website that perfectly represents what AVIAREPS stands for: innovation, growth, excellence and inspiration.”

New AVIAREPS Website www.aviareps.com

Multiple milestones paved the road to AVIAREPS’ success throughout the years. In 1996, only two years after its founding, AVIAREPS had already begun expanding within Europe - North America followed shortly afterward in 2001. By 2010, AVIAREPS had grown its global office network to six continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, North & South America, and Australia. Today, the company proudly runs 69 offices in 65 countries, offering global 360° services to more than 250 clients.

The global expansion of AVIAREPS not only included the growth of the office network, but also the diversification into a large variety of business fields, the foundation of subsidiaries, such as the IT service provider AVIANET, and the launch of new products, such as the group booking service AVIAGROUPS, AVIAREPS’ own Digital Ecosystem and the distribution platform AVIAHUB.

30 years after its foundation, AVIAREPS continues to follow its mission: Bringing people to the world and the world to the people!

Visit the new AVIAREPS website: www.aviareps.com


AVIAREPS is the world’s leading international representation, marketing and communications company for aviation, tourism, hospitality, and food and beverage brands. Founded in Germany in 1994 with the ambition to help clients to step into global markets, the company’s global network now expands around the world to six continents.

The AVIAREPS service portfolio includes extensive expertise in representation and sales, marketing and communications, business development, IT solutions and financial services. In addition to their well-established General Sales Agent (GSA) services and tourism marketing representation, AVIAREPS provides more than 250 clients with support in digital marketing, advertising, public relations, crisis communications, social media management, event coordination, sales, web design and more.

For more information on how AVIAREPS influences where and how travelers choose to spend their time and money, please visit www.aviareps.com. Stay up to date by checking out our Newsroom, or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Source and photo: AVIAREPS